The History of Fascism in the United States

Introduction / Overview

When you mention fascism, many people immediately think of Nazi Germany. Very few… dare I say, “Americans”… are aware of the fact that fascism was somewhat popular in the United States around the same time as the rise of the National-Socialist Party in Germany. This is an important issue to understand, because the general consensus in the United States is that such a thing could never happen here, yet we see more and more aggressively oppressive authoritarian behavior from the state everyday as we face civil unrest from both sides of the political spectrum.There are many misconceptions about what fascism even is, so we’ll look at the history of the idea and the origin of it’s name, the Fasces -more importantly, we’ll look at the development of the State (aka – The Government) in the American political culture, and how we have slowly and subversively transformed from a free and independent federation into a statist-authoritarian-fascist-nation.

To help illustrate this progression, I’ve incorporated the Stages of Discord -a variation of the Hegelian Synthesis Method (Thesis+Antithesis=Synthesis or Problem->Reaction->Solution) which adds two more phases (Parenthesis and Paralysis) that create a cycle of social development. These articles are not in chronological order (Chaos->Discord->Confusion->Bureaucracy->Aftermath) -they actually start towards the end and go backwards, at first… Call it a tribute to chaos, but the main purpose of the ordering is to demonstrate the similarities between our current situation and the foundation of this nation, as well as show how we ended up back in this same mess, again. We start in the 1930s with American Progressivism and the New Deal -the over-bureaucratization of society.

This is the beginning of the phase that Hegel failed to see -the inability to reconcile the opposites. This isn’t a problem that is uniquely American -this is an issue of social organization, in general. The Synthesis Method might workout on individual levels, but when trying to reconcile opposing views under one authoritarian rule, conflicts will arise. This doesn’t always stem from despotic or megalomaniacal intentions; in the case of the United States, it stems from a classical view of government as put forth but Aristotle: consolidation of power makes for quicker response to changing social conditions. Obviously, we have let that power slip out of balance, but we are all a part of the social cycle and have a level of say in where we go from here. But, before we can make effective change, we have to look at how we got here.

American Progressivism – Bureaucracy (Beamtenherrschaft)

In the 1930s, the world was in an economic crisis… the US stock market had crashed and the entire world was feeling the effects of the Great Depression. In Germany, much of the nation was blaming their economic situation on unfair legislation against them following World War I. Feeling like diplomacy and compromise had left them with the short end of the stick, it wasn’t difficult to stir a nationalist movement with the political and social atmosphere that Germany was facing. Hitler found great support from the poor and disenfranchised workers and labor groups that they were forming. In reality, nationalism and socialism are opposing ideals, but that didn’t seem to matter as people were desperate for solutions. Seemingly hopeless, they gave their power up to an authoritarian despot who eventually began executing his political opponents by the millions.

Beamtenherrschaft (Bureaucracy) -The parenthesis that results when the Hegelian Synthesis (Problem->Reaction->Solution) does not succeed in connecting the opposites.
(*4th Stage of Discord)

Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, we were scrambling for solutions to the Great Depression, ourselves. Many Americans were afraid of big business and the banks, and a number of grass-roots activist groups began popping up and demanding special consideration and protection. Our solution was the New Deal, a social welfare program that would be guided by a brain trust of experts who would help regulate and stimulate economic growth by protecting businesses from failure and preventing what they saw as risk of monopoly consolidation of the market. This is what gave us the failed Social Security program we have and the over-inflated Medicare/Medicaid system of healthcare we’re all trying to reform to one extreme or the other and the business subsidization and financial bailouts we’ve been fighting over. This also paved the way for what we now call the military/industrial complex and countless other government spending projects.

In the years just before World War II, Germany was promoting huge innovations in scientific research and development and many of the American big business barons were investing lots of money in the German economy, which had far more political backing for business growth (they were begging for growth) and far less restrictions on how these businesses operated. While it may be important to know how much these businessmen supported Hitler’s atrocities against humanity, it’s equally important to note their overt support of his political objective… a population whose development was tightly controlled by an authority figure who was backed by strong military force. This is where we need to get into the meaning of the word “fascism”.

The word comes from the Roman “fasces”, which is an axe wrapped in a bundle of sticks. While it started as the symbol of the power of the state over life and death, over time, it merely became a symbol of the Republic. While the meaning was mildly lost over time, it was revived by Benito Mussolini and the nationalist/syndicalist movement in Italy as the symbol for their mixture of left-wing and right-wing political ideals, resulting in authoritarian rule over the state. This led to the current meaning of the term “fascism”.

From 1916 to 1936, the fasces was featured on the US dime as a symbol of the power of the Republic, much like it had been used in the later years of the Roman Republic. After “the rise of fascism”, we changed the bladed fasces for one donning a flame and swapped the Roman goddess Liberty out with FDR’s face… This is ironic, of course, because when you consider the development of American politics and the collusion of business, the media, and the military, then the New Deal is a uniquely pivotal point in the history of this nation and our fascistic behavior. This is common criticism of the New Deal policies of directing the market, but a dispute often begins to arise when people call this “fascism”. This battle of semantics has lost the true functional purpose of the state as the lord over life and death. Statism is fascism…

In fact, many wealthy and influential people in America in the 1930s quietly supported the fascist ideals that were coming out of Italy and Germany. American ambassador to Germany, William Dodd, noted several prominent Americans who were sympathetic to the fascist movements in Germany and Italy. News tycoon William R. Hurst published several articles in his papers in favor of fascism and the Nazis – direct parallels can even be drawn between FDR’s National Recovery Act and Mussolini’s establishment of cartels to manage industry development.

This staunch denial of authoritarianism with the United States in the face of such obvious statist-fascism prompted a book by Henry Sinclair Lewis titled “It Can’t Happen Here” which follows the rise of a fictional US Senator running for President who’s platform of social reform and patriotic values is merely a trick to gain support for his authoritarian agenda. This satirical look at American voters in comparison to the Germans in the 1930s still rings true today. It can happen here… It can happen anywhere.

American Nationalism – Confusion (Unordnung)

In the first part of this article, we looked at the connections between the rise of fascism and American political culture during that same time period. We specifically looked at the federal empowerment policies of FDR and the New Deal, how they affected the way we see our government, the role it plays in everyday life, and that relation to the historic origin to the word fascism as the symbol of the supreme authority of the government. This relationship doesn’t make sense for most who see America’s long-standing value of freedom and have faith in our system of checks and balances… or whatever it is that keeps them from seeing that freedom has become nothing more than a buzzword in modern American politics.

A long standing aspect of American culture has been the patriotic pride in the sacrifices of our fore fathers to establish this nation – by far, one of the most prosperous and powerful in the history of the world. It’s commonly said that America is the greatest nation in the world, and for many decades, that was hard to argue with. Most of us grew-up reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in school, and it’s hard to go far in this country without seeing an American flag, but in recent years, it’s become more than obvious that the United States is not the beacon of purity and prosperity that many Americans believed it was.

To understand this distortion of our values, how our patriotic pride was transformed into mindless nationalism, we have to go back a little further. We have to go back to the rise of nationalism. Nationalism was a movement born in the desperate economic times of 19th century Europe. It was a sociopolitical movement with the goal of improving the condition of the society by galvanizing national pride and calling on a service to the greater good of the nation… which mostly meant enduring exploitative labor conditions. It’s no surprise that this resulted in the rise of socialism (this is what we call “political swing”)… At the same time, America was splitting in half over the balance of power in Congress.

Unordnung (Confusion) -An attempt is made to restore balance or arrive at the Hegelian Synthesis (Problem->Reaction->Solution).
(*3rd Stage of Discord)

It’s commonly thought that the American Civil War was fought over slavery, but it was purely over the secession of the southern states, not the moral issue of slavery. The war wasn’t even really a civil war, that would be two opposing factions fighting for control of the same government, not one half of the nation up and leaving -that’s really another history lesson, though. The point here was that in a time when European nations were galvanizing around their flag, the United States was falling apart. Although it was the right of the Confederacy to secede from the Union, this sense of preserving the Union became a rallying point for the invasion of the South.

When you look at the war from the stand-point of liberty and freedom, Lincoln’s campaign against the South obviously diverged from those core values when he suspended free-speech and arrested northern newspaper owners for criticizing the war… what was it that we were preserving, exactly? Tax flow for an obviously corrupt government authority, regulations on imports and exports that had to be levied between two opposing interests… sounds like the same reasons that we separated from the British. So, why stick around for that mess… for the sake of the Union? …That would be nationalism.

The post-war Reconstruction Era maintained that focus on the role and power of the federal government, leading to the populist movement which sought federal support in developing new regions of the US for use as a form of stimulating the economy. In the midst of the Industrial Revolution, growth and development ran sporadically which led to over-speculation and subsequent economic slumps. The Populist policies of the Reconstruction Era paved the way for the creation of the infamous Federal Reserve Board which attempted to create a national security net with federal tax funding, which was something that most Americans would have rejected had the creators of the Federal Reserve not propagated the idea that it would limit the power of the banks and big businesses by preventing economic disaster… little did we realize that we’d compromised our patriotic values for nothing -economic cycles would continue; we had just given control of that recovery and monopoly privilege to the very people we thought the Federal Reserve would be protecting us from.

This is another topic that deserves it’s own time for discussion -the main point here is that our values of independence and state sovereignty were increasingly being replaced with a focus on the nation as a whole. We were no longer “The United States…”, it was becoming just “America”. This, mixed with the rise of socialism in America led the way for the corporatism of the 1930s that we talked about last time. Polarized opinions forced to live together within the confines of “the Union”, powered by the ever increasing alleged authority of the central government.

The American Social Contract – Discord (Zweitracht)

There are so many misunderstandings about the Civil War that it has almost become, in the liberty-minded community, a cliche to point them out. After only a brief study of the war, it becomes so apparent that this history has been shrouded in propaganda that even its name begins to beg for curiosity -The American “Civil War”. A “civil war” is when two opposing groups fight for control over one government. This abstraction of the term fits all too perfectly with the classic Good-Guy-Bad-Guy version of the story -that the noble and altruistic Union fought to save the slaves from the evil and racist southerners.

First, you should know that the situation is much more complex than that… it’s so complex that you might want to get a lawyer for this. Some of the more obvious fallacies are social aspects of the war, such as the fact that literally almost everyone was racist at this time and that overwhelming numbers of immigrants in the North actually faced more brutally exploitative conditions than the majority of slaves in southern states. Despite the apparent barbarism of the practice of owning other humans, the abolition and equal rights movements was still a phenomenon within the women’s rights movement.

Zweitracht (Discord)-Begins with the appearance of a ruling or governing class. This order is the antithesis of chaos, and leads directly into discord.
(*2nd Stage of Discord)

Some of the more subversive issues that came out of the “Civil War” that still have not been addressed, legally, are issues with our Congress… such as the legality of it -and they require a little more background information and understanding before you can begin to make sense of any of it. When the Representatives of the southern states left the Congress on March 27th, 1861, there was not enough congressional presence to establish a next date of review -so the President, under the “Emergency of War-Powers” rule, took control of the Congress (*12 Stat 319, Title 50 USC §§ 212, 213, 215, Appendix 16, 26 CFR Chapter 1 § 303.1-6(a), and 31 CFR Chapter 5 § 500.701 Penalties), and this was never repealed. The United States hasn’t had a legal meeting of Congress per the Constitution since 1861… I’m sure you, at least, had a feeling that we lived under a quasi-dictatorship.

To make things worse, they have us hailing the 14th Amendment to the Constitution just because it redefines the terms of citizenship to include black men… this is but one simple aspect of the amendment. Section 4 of the 14th Amendment establishes a cestui que trust, “Public Charitable Trust” (PCT) between the United States federal government and its citizens to manage debt. Despite the fact that the 14th Amendment was never legally ratified (*see Dyett v Turner, 439 P2d 266, 267; State v Phillips, 540 P 2d 936; Coleman v. Miller, 307 U.S. 448, 59 S. Ct. 972; as well as Congressional Record, June 13, 1967, pp. 15641-15646), the Legislative Act was passed in 1871 which established a federally chartered corporation called “United States”, referred to as “US Inc.”, in accordance with the 14th Amendment. This act established all “citizens of the United States” as co-trustees and co-beneficiaries of the national debt of US Incorporated.

Perhaps you’ve heard the term “Social Contract”? Well, there it is -the social constructive trust… codified in half-ass law and enforced by over 100 years of state-sponsored propaganda. Before this, we were sovereign citizens… our states were sovereign bodies within the constitutional federation of the United States of America… Now, we and the states are subsidiary entities of US Inc, per this implied contract. The interesting thing about implied contracts is that they are not legal until all services have been rendered, meaning that you can effectively “back-out” of this deal without legal recourse, as long as you haven’t accepted use of the services provided. While refusal to pay this year’s tax bill will land you in jail, I’m wondering how far one could go to separate themselves from US Incorporated and still retain a level of citizenship and rights.

So, if you happen to see Steven Spielberg’s new movie “Lincoln”, don’t just look for the obvious fallacies about the push for abolition -both the abolition movement and open equal rights movement were still 50+ years away from gaining any foothold on American politics, at all… or the portrayal of Lincoln as a fair and just President who wanted to end slavery and bring unity to America -he had no interest in freeing the slaves, and when he issued the Emancipation Proclamation, it was merely a last-ditch effort to destabilize the South. Noble as this law is in hindsight, Lincoln had to suspend the right of free speech and began arresting citizens in the North who criticized this effort. In truth, many people in the North didn’t even want to fight to “restore the Union”. As you watch the movie, keep in mind how this war changed the fundamental nature of our government and how the executive powers kept growing… I knew there was a reason that the Presidential Election was way more important than any other vote we may cast -it’s not because people don’t pay attention. That federal power is probably a big part of why we don’t pay attention in the first place.

American Federalism – Chaos (Verwirrung)

So far in this series of articles, we’ve looked at FDR, the New Deal, and American Progressivism (Social Liberalism) -Lincoln, the “Civil War”, and American Nationalism… now, we’re going to go back to the very foundation of this nation. Many people see the “Constitution of the United States of America” as a great beacon of reason and sensibility in a world of madness and government, but an overwhelming number of people are not familiar with the history behind this document, let alone, understand its significance.In truth, even “the founding fathers” couldn’t agree on how best to handle the situation. The Declaration of Independence set the tone for the revolution, but beyond that, there wasn’t must agreement on how to go about establishing this free republic. We had just fought-off the most powerful nation on the planet at that time (Britain), we owed a ton of money to the second most powerful (France), and we were 13 drastically different communities that had to find a way of establishing a centralized system of co-ordination and co-operation that could manage all of this and not stifle each other or give favor to one or another.

Verwirrung (Chaos) -It is the point from which everything begins and the source to which everything returns.
(*1st Stage of Discord)

This was much more difficult than it sounds -the First and Second Continental Congress established the need for some minimum federation between the free-states. To fight off the British Empire, we had to do it together -tension had been building all across the colonies after a rash of excessive taxes and other impositions on the colonists, but the decision to revolt was not shared by all, at first. Roughly 80% of the colonists were rural farmers who saw far less direct effect from these impositions than people in northern colonies who were more commerce-based and in more urban environments where public opinions could spread much faster. The early stages of the Revolution were propagated by wealthy businessmen like Sam Adams who saw the effects of the British Empire more directly than most -but since they were all here to either escape persecution or look for opportunity, it wasn’t difficult to spur the Revolution with the grip of the Empire growing tighter and tighter.

After the Revolution, we established the Articles of Confederation -a constitution between the States that created a legislative body that could levy taxes and issue payments for soldiers. The key event that led to our current constitution is known as Sheys’ Rebellion. The issue was that the government had no money to pay their soldiers, and IOU notes were issued which became worthless in light of hard assets like gold or other resources. Farmers traded their IOUs for pennies on the dollar -the vultures that hangout around capital hill bought them up and passed legislation in Massachusetts that enforced the full value of the IOU notes. This new government was already being used against us, but this wasn’t the cause of the reformation of the federal government -no. The people overwhelmingly accepted this as a lesson learned, and it wasn’t until these wealthy movers-n-shakers began to lock these farmers up in debtors court that people really did anything about it -they stormed the court and refused to allow this abstraction of justice to occur.

There was no executive branch -no police force to stop them, so Washington had to gather 60,000 men and march all the way to Massachusetts to put down this rebellion. After this, many of who we call the “Founding Fathers” secretly gathered in a courthouse in Pennsylvania to resolve this lack of ability to quell such uprisings, but giving the government authority to do such a thing meant that a level of power must be taken from the people and given to the federal government to empower the states to maintain order. We’re talking about 1% of the population secretly deciding the fate of the nation… a handful of wealthy businessmen and lawyers playing God with the fate of the people… which apparently is still a problem, today. Yes -the federal government exists to prevent mob rule; it’s not the bastion of democracy that you thought is was. It seems these founding fathers didn’t really favor freedom, at all. This is what happens when you elect a commanding General and later President of your free-republic for the first several terms merely because he was the tallest man in the room -your values go right out the window.

Everyone still knew that we couldn’t trust the government, though some argued heavily in favor of a stronger federal government. They established separate branches of the government to keep each other in check, outlining the limitations of government, and anything that wasn’t mentioned would be handled by the states to maintain and exercise their sovereignty in the federation… but this wasn’t enough. There were many who had caught wind of this meeting, and had addressed their own concerns about the limitations of power that were placed on this government. They basically stormed the courthouse and demanded that a bill of rights be added to the constitution to prevent the government from infringing on our rights as sovereign individuals.

So you really have two sets of founding fathers to which we can attribute this nation… a misguided mediation of power levied between the minority of ultra-”haves” and the majority of us who are just trying to get by day to day -resulting in a supreme authoritative body that balances power between opposing ideals. The stage was set for a totalitarian takeover… all it would take was time, and a believable enough reason.

American Imperialism -Aftermath (Grummet)

So, now that we’ve lightly covered the presence of fascism in America, we’ll go back towards our current fiasco. We started just before World War II, with the rise of fascism in Europe and it’s influence on American politics, so we’ll pick back up there. Germany was angry about how WWI ended, and in an extreme fit of rage, they began an aggressive campaign to take over the world. In the wake of the nationalist-socialist movement, millions of dissenters and those seen as non-loyal to the nation began to be sequestered from the rest of the population and eventually killed en masse. I’m sure you’re familiar with this history, so I’ll jump straight into how this led to our own attempt at a global takeover. We had helped establish the League of Nations, so our involvement in globalization was nothing new, but this time, we were a very heavy hitter in the world of political powers. We’re about to see America rise from the ashes of the Great Depression and become the world’s leading super-power… of course, we had to sell our souls to the Devil to do so.

American progressivism was eager to extend our values of freedom and justice to the entire world -whether they liked it or not. We started off slowly, but the UN was a clean way of dealing with a dirty world -so, many of the wealthy movers-n-shakers in America established an intelligence network that could deal with international affairs with a level of trust… which came with a level of secrecy. Not many people understand that the CIA, in its early days, was liken to a college fraternity of war vets and long-term friends / business partners -trust and leverage were / are everything when dealing with high risk information… but, so are deception and misdirection. At first, the CIA did what it was supposed to do: gather intelligence and report to the White House for directives -however, not too long after it’s creation, members of the CIA became more active in the global community, starting with a democratic coup in Iran… ever wonder why Iran hates us so much? That’s a big part of it. That -and we eventually put Saddam Hussein in power and gave him weapons to stop them from invading Iraq… weapons that he, in turn, used against Kuwait and Iran in an effort to levy power against us… are you beginning to see the level of ridiculousness, here? It sounded much more legit on the evening news -I know.

Grummet (Aftermath) -Return back to Chaos. Bureaucracy chokes on it’s own paperwork.
(*5th Stage of Discord)

Anyway, the CIA had been the buffer between the American people and the cruel, harsh world, and eventually, their goals diverged so far from those of the Congress, White House, and the American people that it’s more than likely what got John F. Kennedy killed when he threatened to shut down the CIA and end the Vietnam War. Not only did they kill him, they setup an FBI informant who, evidence shows, was trying to shut them down and then painted him up to be a pro-Castro communist -totally playing into their campaign against Cuba and the Soviet. While the planets may have been in alignment for a CIA clandestine conspiracy, that day, they still needed to maintain a level of cover from the American public while playing puppet-master with the world’s developing nations who were caught in the wake of post-industrial fallout. They also needed to sway American politics enough towards their agenda that the American people would support these efforts on what they saw as a need-to-know basis, resulting in a “middle of the road” political atmosphere -this wasn’t difficult with the progressives calling for the UN to work towards total world disarmament.

This covert grab for power continued up into the 1970s, when Nixon’s Watergate scandal brought this collusion of abuse of politics to the attention of the American people…. who finally prompted Congress to investigate both the CIA and the FBI for abuses of power, resulting in legislation that regulated their interaction with the White House. However, this at-all-costs-for-the-nation mentality battling the ever progressive public opinion still continued -within a decade we would elect, as President, the man who took over the CIA in the midst of the Watergate incident -George H.W. Bush… Of course, this wasn’t the first time Mr. Bush had occupied the White House, and this history deserves an entire series of articles devoted to the Bush family involvement in the last century of American politics, going back to his Prescott Bush’s involvement with the Nazis and subsequent involvement with Army Intelligence and it’s predecessor, the CIA.

In 1980, Ronald Reagan was running for the Republican nomination for the President of the United States. He was a Hollywood liberal who started his political career with the Democrats defending labor unions, and he eventually switched over to the GOP because he didn’t agree with the direction that the Democrats were going. His campaign for nomination was an all-out attack on Jimmy Carter’s administration which he claimed was littered with foreign interest, citing the numerous members of the Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission that were a part of Carter’s staff. This criticism got him the nomination, beating out his fellow nominee, George H.W. Bush, who Reagan would soon name his VP and running-mate. This is ironic because former Director of the CIA Bush is seen by many as the king devil of international politics, belonging to both the CFR, the Trilateral Commission and their parent committee, only known as the “Bilderberg Group”. Within 60 days of his election, an assassination attempt was made on Reagan by the son of a friend of Bush’s, John Hinkley Jr… this connection was, for the most part, ignored by the mainstream news.

Despite our efforts to keep the armies of control at bay, we Americans have let this government become increasingly centralized, and in this push for centralization, we have sought to create a middle-ground. Over the past 30 years, more and more Americans have become centrists, believing it to be ethically and morally superior. Few realize that this nation was not built on compromise -it was built on individual freedom -LIBERTY, and this centralization of power and political values is what they were afraid of. There were many federalists, but these men only represented a small minority interest that had overwhelming representation in the formation of this federation. They left the door open for corruption to subvert this countries values to the point that we can even have a discussion about banning guns in this country. People believe that the 2nd Amendment GIVES them the right to bear arms -very few people take the time to think about the words in the amendment:

“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
(The 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States)

These are your rights as a human, and we are letting these people legislate what we can and cannot do to the point that it tears us apart. It seems like it’s just an inevitable evolution of government to become corrupt and cave in on itself, and many seem to hold this fear in the back of their minds and attempt to ride the wave, regardless. As we face an every growing debt crisis and a subsequently failing economy, we see more and more overtly authoritarian behavior from our corporate slave-masters in DC. Hopefully, we learn the lessons of the past before we start roundin’ folks up and executing American citizens… oh, wait…

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